KC Tiny Greenhouse Community
From the Community for the Community
Our goal is to make a difference in our community in a "tiny" way, which would not have been possible if it were not for the support and overwhelming generosity of these local businesses. They believed in our vision and didn't hesitate to join in the fun. Supporting these businesses as they have supported and served our communities.
There are many ways you can contribute to help continue our cause....
1. This won't cost you dime! Follow us on Instagram #kctinygreenhosue and Like our content. Instagram sends us money for followers and viewership our content that we create. We post How-To videos and answer your questions through video. We hope to see you there!
2. Book a stay with us through Airbnb, and experience for yourself how "tiny living" can fit in your life. We also would love to hear feedback for future builds and would love to help guide you through your life journey in downsizing and simplifying your life. Enjoy the foods and herbs grown locally in our private gardens.
3. We do have on projects that we fund privately to conitnue to improve the tiny living concept, as we continue to learn through experience and others .If you like help us with improvements or plant aquisitions, click on the link below and see what projects we have planned and learn how you can donate to the cause. We will recognize your contributions through our Instagram posts show what your contriubtions did for us on our Instagram Reels
Contributions to Projects

If everyone can donate "tiny" amount of $1.00 it will make a HUGE difference. If you want to support a specific project, simply note in the description which project you'd like the funds. Once we complete a project we will credit our contriubuters in our Instagram videos. So leave us your hashtags! Just to clarify we are not a 501c3 so we will not be able to issue any tax documentation for your contriubtions.
Our Goals and Projects
Raised Garden Beds - Goal $1,500.00 +
Replace wood framed garden beds with Vego Metal Modular Raised garden Beds. To better project plants from mowers & trimmers. Make it easier to weed and harvest plants. Maintain better water management. Total 4 beds est $900 + Compost from Missouri Organics.
General Operations -
Funds will go to utilties, property taxes, insurance, fertlizers for gardens, compost, mulch as needed, repairs & maintenance of garden equipment & mowers and other general supplies in mainitaining a garden. All Labor are donated